The rutile quartz: shiny, beautiful and strong (part I)

quarzo rutilato con filamenti oro_pietra

The rutile quartz is the stone I have chosen to introduce for the month of November.
What are the distinctive qualities of this stone?
Before heading for the story and the suggestions that connect me to this stone, find out with me some features of this mineral and how it can be fully appreciated (outfits, style tips and more).

Basic features

The rutile quartz or sagenite is a type of quartz. Its main features are the high index of light refraction and the charming threadlike crystalline inclusions, similar to needles, spanning a range of different colors due to the presence of precious traces of gold, silver and tourmaline.

Where to find it

It is mainly extracted close to the mountain ranges in countries such as:
• Brazil
• Kazakhstan
•United States
As you can see it is a very special and ‘lively’ stone. Coming from very evocative travel destinations, it can be a reminder of happy times and of charming, distant and wild places as the lands where it is extracted.
Usually Australia is a highly rated destination for a honeymoon…Why not treating yourself to a jewel made with this gem to remember your trip?
Stay with me to discover other peculiarities of this stone and how I love to infuse them in my creations!
If you like so, more information can be found here