Spring blooms at Fiore all’Occhiello Gioielli

It’s spring! The liveliest, most creative and colorful season of the year.
Light, colors, warmth and scents! All the senses are awakened and the desire to renew ourselves becomes an uncontainable call. In my lab there is a sparkling industriousness. On the table a riot of labradorites, jades, tourmalines, sapphires, resembling a meadow of precious flowers.
After all, with a name like mine and with that of my store, jewels here are not produced: they BLOOM!
In this season new rings and earrings have blossomed for you, with colors that go far beyond the evanescent quartz scales promoted by Pantone. Here we try to catch from Nature energy and passion, transferring them to objects made for you!
I believe that each jewel is a rite celebrating the femininity, inspiring us to be more aware of our beauty and strength.
Staying on the subject of celebrations, do you know that today is the spring equinox?
In ancient Greece, to celebrate the seasonal shift in the most profitable and beneficial way, people used to make propitiatory rites covering themselves with flowers and jewelry, in order to absorb powerful and mysterious forces. On that day Persephone left the darkness of Hades, rejoining her mother Demeter, bringing to Earth life and light.
To the Sumerian and Mesopotamian the spring equinox was the beginning of the calendar year Nowruz (that in Persian means ‘new day’). The sun enters the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, and crosses the celestial equator. This coincides with our 21/22 March and for Middle Eastern people with the New Year’s Day. Parties, gifts and prayers to welcome happiness and peace in a new cycle.
In Central America the ancient Mayas had temples aligned with the passage of the sun during the equinox. At this stage the shadows drew a sort of diamond snake announcing the return of light. Beautiful jewelry was crafted and worn to welcome, in the most appropriate way, the new astral phase and to pay offerings to the sky.
In Europe we can mention of course the monoliths of Stonehenge and the Irish Loughcrew, still today places of pagan rites and ceremonies during the equinoxes.
Renowned were also the offerings of precious stones and food dedicated to Ēostre, the Saxon version of the Germanic Ostara, the lunar goddess of fertility who gave her name to the Christian Easter and to the female hormone (estrogen).
All these references were just intended to underline the significance of this day, as well as the season it discloses. Whatever way you want to celebrate it, just do it and concentrate on yourself, on your renewal. Choose precious elements which could accompany and inspire you, precious stones and natural jewels to be filled of positivity and love for future days, jewels expressing the will for change and growth as blooming buds in the warmth of the new sun.
As usual, I wait for you in my boutique,
Yours Fiorenza!