Sapphire: A beauty to be interpreted

Working with important gemstones like sapphire is often a challenge. It is like dressing a beautiful woman. Everything could fit her!
Therefore the real skill and creativity of a jewel designer is knowing how to enhance and interpret beauty.
My ambition is to make jewels which match with your style, tell and inspire. Do you think I have been successful?
I have always been told that sapphire is the perfect stone for all the stages of a woman’s life.
It brings harmony and helps to live the changes in a positive way. Probably its particular light or the star effect we found in some gems feed the ‘shining’ inside each of us.
It is just funny to think that in the Sixth century all the Cardinals were obliged to have a sapphire ring to be put strictly on their right hand, the one they used to give blessings.
Nowadays we have not the same task but, undoubtedly, wearing a similar stone makes us feel very happy and special and maybe a little…blessed.
It is also interesting to discover that the beauty and the light of a gem like ours is expressed differently depending on the metal that goes near to it. Apparently this combination creates a real energetic and spiritual field, so, for example, with gold (chemically inert) we reject negativity and with pink, yellow or white sapphires we enhance various creative and emotional inclinations. Silver, commonly linked to femininity, would promote even empathy.
In the meanwhile, I am proposing you these two rings, which are made with both metals and two magnificent stones!
Come to see me and tell me which one you like most!